Thursday, January 16, 2014

DVRs - Or another idea that snowballed into a project ... (Project DVR - Part 1)

Now, this post isn't for the "cord cutters". If you're one of the many that were able to remove TV services and go OTA/Internet for everything, kudos to you! As for myself, I still need the occasional instant gratification of having all of those channels and nothing to watch.

So like many, I was using a DVR supplied by the cable company. You know, one of these.

It was there and it did it's job for the most part. Well, when it didn't reboot itself randomly when I tried to watch TV or other odd issues that required a forced restart. Then one morning, it started making a noise that I'm quite familiar with ...

The clicking sound of a hard drive ready to give up the ghost.

Hard drives do fail in time. Some sooner, some later. But this was the second time the hard drive failed in one of these DVRs that I could remember whereas not one (*knocking furiously on wood*) of my personal hard drives has failed in any of my devices. It doesn't help that the hard drives on these DVRs are parallel units capped at like 80GB which translates to barely any storage for High Definition recording. While it did have an eSATA port, if one of these DVRs did fail and I reconnected an external drive into the replacement DVR, it formatted the external drive immediately instead of using the available space and saving the recordings that were already on that drive. Plus, after trying out FiOS at a friends place, I realized that the electronic program guide on these units were ridiculously slow and kludgy.

After realizing all of that, I opted to see how much I was paying for this awful box and figure out if there were alternatives. What I found out was a bit surprising.

Per month, it costs $8.41 to rent the box and remote. Which really isn't much considering that they do replace if it does fail. But there was another line item in my bill that caught my attention - DVR Service $12.95.  This wasn't a huge surprise since I've seen that line item before but after scrutinizing my bill because of shoddy hardware, it was costing me $21.43 to have the additional privilege to record shows besides the cost to watch it live. Not cool. It was definitely time to look into alternatives.

Alternative #1 - TiVo

I've had friends and coworkers that really liked their TiVo units. But the initial cost is a bit high because I would've opted for a TiVo Roamio Plus for multiroom capabilities. That and there is a monthly subscription cost associated with the TiVo service which didn't appeal to me.

Alternative #2 - DIY DVR

There are various CableCARD units that will work with a PC to transform it into a DVR. Cost varies depending on how many streams it can handle at once but it ranges from anywhere between $150-$300. No additional monthly costs but you would need to supply a PC.

Both options will require a CableCARD which costs $2.50 a month (TWC NYC) which is easier to accept than $9.

I opted for a SiliconDust HDHomeRun PRIME because it was magically on sale for $99 during Christmas. To be honest, I was going to just replace the DVR set top with another one from the cable company till the SiliconDust happened to drop in price. The timing on that email from Woot was perfect and I had a spare PC just sitting around so I decided to try building my own DVR.

From there, the it was all pretty much downhill. Which I will get to another day.

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